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Dentist.net - Low Price Guarantee

Low Price Guarantee

*We will beat any price by 5%


At Dentist.net, we offer a low price guarantee for all products sold on our site. If you find the same identical product online for less within 30 days and you meet the requirements listed below, you may qualify for a price-match plus an additional 5% discount.

Sales Tax Policy:

Internet sales are not subject to sales tax unless you reside in the same state as dentist.net. Dentist.net believes that we should all pay the same price for an item. As dentist.net ships from within California, dentist.net will pay your sales tax if you are a resident of California.

Requirements for a price-match plus 5% discount are:

  • Our Low Price Guarantee is valid only for internet retailers. Online auctions (such as eBay) do not qualify for the price match.

  • The Internet retailer must have the identical product in-stock and the product is priced accurately.

  • Price match requests must be submitted within 30 days from the date of purchase at Dentist.net.

  • Our Low Price Guarantee does not apply to liquidation and closeout items.

  • The Low Price Guarantee does not apply to online auction sites.

Price match comparison criteria:

  • Price comparisons include the product price plus sales tax, shipping & handling charges when calculating the competitor's total price in comparison to Dentist.net's final product price and lowest priced shipping method.

  • Our Low Price Guarantee does not apply when you use coupons, rebates, promotional offers, or product-bundle pricing on the order.

  • The Low Price Guarantee is subject to change at any time.

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